
I have relied on many people, both directly and indirectly, in writing this book. I would like to thank the Hadoop community, from whom I have learned, and continue to learn, a great deal.

In particular, I would like to thank Michael Stack and Jonathan Gray for writing the chapter on HBase. Thanks also go to Adrian Woodhead, Marc de Palol, Joydeep Sen Sarma, Ashish Thusoo, Andrzej Białecki, Stu Hood, Chris K. Wensel, and Owen O’Malley for contributing case studies.

I would like to thank the following reviewers who contributed many helpful suggestions and improvements to my drafts: Raghu Angadi, Matt Biddulph, Christophe Bisciglia, Ryan Cox, Devaraj Das, Alex Dorman, Chris Douglas, Alan Gates, Lars George, Patrick Hunt, Aaron Kimball, Peter Krey, Hairong Kuang, Simon Maxen, Olga Natkovich, Benjamin Reed, Konstantin Shvachko, Allen Wittenauer, Matei Zaharia, and Philip Zeyliger. Ajay Anand kept the review process flowing smoothly. Philip (“flip”) Kromer kindly helped me with the NCDC weather dataset featured in the examples in this book. Special thanks to Owen O’Malley and Arun C. Murthy for explaining the intricacies of the MapReduce shuffle to me. Any errors that remain are, of course, to be laid at my door.

For the second edition, I owe a debt of gratitude for the detailed reviews and feedback from Jeff Bean, Doug Cutting, Glynn Durham, Alan Gates, Jeff Hammerbacher, Alex Kozlov, Ken Krugler, Jimmy Lin, Todd Lipcon, Sarah Sproehnle, Vinithra Varadharajan, and Ian Wrigley, as well as all the readers who submitted errata for the first edition. I would also like to thank Aaron Kimball for contributing the chapter on Sqoop, and Philip (“flip”) Kromer for the case study on graph processing.

For the third edition, thanks go to Alejandro Abdelnur, Eva Andreasson, Eli Collins, Doug Cutting, Patrick Hunt, Aaron Kimball, Aaron T. Myers, Brock Noland, Arvind Prabhakar, Ahmed Radwan, and Tom Wheeler for their feedback and suggestions. Rob Weltman kindly gave very detailed feedback for the whole book, which greatly improved the final manuscript. Thanks also go to all the readers who submitted errata for the second edition.

For the fourth edition, I would like to thank Jodok Batlogg, Meghan Blanchette, Ryan Blue, Jarek Jarcec Cecho, Jules Damji, Dennis Dawson, Matthew Gast, Karthik Kambatla, Julien Le Dem, Brock Noland, Sandy Ryza, Akshai Sarma, Ben Spivey, Michael Stack, Kate Ting, Josh Walter, Josh Wills, and Adrian Woodhead for all of their invaluable review feedback. Ryan Brush, Micah Whitacre, and Matt Massie kindly contributed new case studies for this edition. Thanks again to all the readers who submitted errata.

I am particularly grateful to Doug Cutting for his encouragement, support, and friendship, and for contributing the Foreword.

Thanks also go to the many others with whom I have had conversations or email discussions over the course of writing the book.

Halfway through writing the first edition of this book, I joined Cloudera, and I want to thank my colleagues for being incredibly supportive in allowing me the time to write and to get it finished promptly.

I am grateful to my editors, Mike Loukides and Meghan Blanchette, and their colleagues at O’Reilly for their help in the preparation of this book. Mike and Meghan have been there throughout to answer my questions, to read my first drafts, and to keep me on schedule.

Finally, the writing of this book has been a great deal of work, and I couldn’t have done it without the constant support of my family. My wife, Eliane, not only kept the home going, but also stepped in to help review, edit, and chase case studies. My daughters, Emilia and Lottie, have been very understanding, and I’m looking forward to spending lots more time with all of them.

[1] Alex Bellos, “The science of fun,” The Guardian, May 31, 2008.

[2] It was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013.

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