Map and Reduce
MapReduce works by breaking the processing into two phases: the map phase and the reduce phase. Each phase has key-value pairs as input and output, the types of which may be chosen by the programmer. The programmer also specifies two functions: the map function and the reduce function.
The input to our map phase is the raw NCDC data. We choose a text input format that gives us each line in the dataset as a text value. The key is the offset of the beginning of the line from the beginning of the file, but as we have no need for this, we ignore it.
Our map function is simple. We pull out the year and the air temperature, because these are the only fields we are interested in. In this case, the map function is just a data preparation phase, setting up the data in such a way that the reduce function can do its work on it: finding the maximum temperature for each year. The map function is also a good place to drop bad records: here we filter out temperatures that are missing, suspect, or erroneous.
To visualize the way the map works, consider the following sample lines of input data (some unused columns have been dropped to fit the page, indicated by ellipses):
These lines are presented to the map function as the key-value pairs:
(0, 0067011990999991950051507004…9999999N9+00001+99999999999…)
(106, 0043011990999991950051512004…9999999N9+00221+99999999999…)
(212, 0043011990999991950051518004…9999999N9-00111+99999999999…)
(318, 0043012650999991949032412004…0500001N9+01111+99999999999…)
(424, 0043012650999991949032418004…0500001N9+00781+99999999999…)
The keys are the line offsets within the file, which we ignore in our map function. The map function merely extracts the year and the air temperature (indicated in bold text), and emits them as its output (the temperature values have been interpreted as integers):
(1950, 0)
(1950, 22)
(1950, −11)
(1949, 111)
(1949, 78)
The output from the map function is processed by the MapReduce framework before being sent to the reduce function. This processing sorts and groups the key-value pairs by key. So, continuing the example, our reduce function sees the following input:
(1949, [111, 78])
(1950, [0, 22, −11])
Each year appears with a list of all its air temperature readings. All the reduce function has to do now is iterate through the list and pick up the maximum reading:
(1949, 111)
(1950, 22)
This is the final output: the maximum global temperature recorded in each year.
The whole data flow is illustrated in Figure 2-1. At the bottom of the diagram is a Unix pipeline, which mimics the whole MapReduce flow and which we will see again later in this chapter when we look at Hadoop Streaming.