The Command-Line Interface

We’re going to have a look at HDFS by interacting with it from the command line. There are many other interfaces to HDFS, but the command line is one of the simplest and, to many developers, the most familiar.

We are going to run HDFS on one machine, so first follow the instructions for setting up Hadoop in pseudodistributed mode in Appendix A. Later we’ll see how to run HDFS on a cluster of machines to give us scalability and fault tolerance.

There are two properties that we set in the pseudodistributed configuration that deserve further explanation. The first is fs.defaultFS, set to hdfs://localhost/, which is used to set a default filesystem for Hadoop.[29] Filesystems are specified by a URI, and here we have used an hdfs URI to configure Hadoop to use HDFS by default. The HDFS daemons will use this property to determine the host and port for the HDFS namenode. We’ll be running it on localhost, on the default HDFS port, 8020. And HDFS clients will use this property to work out where the namenode is running so they can connect to it.

We set the second property, dfs.replication, to 1 so that HDFS doesn’t replicate filesystem blocks by the default factor of three. When running with a single datanode, HDFS can’t replicate blocks to three datanodes, so it would perpetually warn about blocks being under-replicated. This setting solves that problem.

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